File transfer protocol or the FTP is a standard set of rules for file transmission, provided by TCP/IP, and it helps in transferring files from one person to another over the internet. The server and client can share files through FTP. FTP is one of the fastest network protocols for sharing large files over the internet. With FTP, you can transfer multiple files or directories in an instant.

Today, we are going to discuss the FTP 550 No such file or directory error and the possible ways to fix this error. This error shows that the folder or the file does not exist. Let us learn more about the FTP error code 550.
FTP error 550- What is it?
We shall understand what is this error and why is it caused. A server can return a 5xx error when a client’s request cannot be fulfilled successfully. Complete rejection from the server occurs in a 5xx error in the FTP. What this means is that your FTP client sends a command to the server and the server fails to complete that command. The server, therefore, returns a 5xx error.
Causes :
Error 550 FTP can be caused due to several reasons. Here, we have listed some of the most common causes for this error in detail.
Incorrect Mount Point
When the user mounts a file system at any mount point and does not configure it properly, then after restarting the server the mount point will not exist anyone. This can cause the FTP 550 no such file or directory error. So while you mount the file system, be sure to configure it in a way that after a server reboot the mount point is retained.
Improper Path
When you try to upload a file to an incorrect path, then the FTP 550 no such file or directory can be generated. For example, the file that you are trying to upload might be present in one directory but you are trying to upload it from some completely different directory. To fix this, you can log out from your FTP client and then log in again. This will set you in the default FTP directory and from here you can look for the directory where you want to upload your required files.
Lack of Permissions
When the user does not have access to certain permissions and privileges to the file, then error 550 can be caused. So, if you are trying to open or edit a file but do not have the required permissions for it, this error will be generated. To fix this error, you can assign the required file privileges and then try to upload it to the server.
Fixing the FTP 550 error
Now that we know why the FTP error code 550 is caused, we may proceed to find a fix for it. Firstly, we should verify the proper path of the file. We can connect to the server using Secure Shell or SSH and check if the file exists or not. If the file is not present there or it does not exist, then you can fix the file name that could have caused due to a typo or enter the correct path. The correct path of the said file should be used. Now, we can also verify the server mount points and see if the file systems are available or not after a server reboot.
FTP is essential for file transfer between the server and the client. Above, we understood what is the file transfer protocol and why it is necessary. Then we went on in detail about how the FTP error 550 can be caused. All in all, it can be said that this error happens because there were access restrictions on the file or the file cannot be found in the said directory. Learning about and understanding the causes of this error can help us to find the fix for this error. The fix provided above in this article can help you to resolve the no such file or directory FTP 550 error very easily.